QuickBooks Won’t Open

What will you do if your QuickBooks Won’t Open? There is nothing to worry about; QuickBooks is prone to throw out certain bugs. With this error, either you will not be able to perform any operations, or QB will stop working. For the users who are experiencing this error, if you are accessing your QB by hitting the icon multiple times, do not do it. It will not allow the software to open. At least spare some seconds and give it time to open. But if that is not the case, head forward and take the help of this guide to fix the error.

Call our experts by dialing them on +1-855-738-2784 and getting their assistance in fixing the ‘QuickBooks won’t open’ error. They are available for your support and assistance. 

What are the reasons for the ‘QuickBooks will not open’ error?

  • Faulty QB installation is also the source of this error.
  • Check the file name of your files. If it is too long or contains any special characters, the error can show up.
  • Any damages in the hard drive are also a reason for the error.
  • If your QS is not updated and is not compatible with QuickBooks, you can experience the ‘QuickBooks will not open’ error.
  • Internet connectivity issues are also one of the major reasons for this error.

Identification of the QB keeps closing error

  • Windows OS will slow down the performance once you see this error popping up.
  • The programs running on your desktop could hang or freeze.
  • Access to your company data file could be tough due to this error.
  • Frequent hanging or freezing of QB is also a sign of the error.

Must Read:- Why I’m Facing QuickBooks Error 103

Some quick fixes to eliminate this error

  • Try to repair your QuickBooks desktop and check if the error goes away.
  • Change the file names that are damaged or causing any interruptions.
  • Update your windows as well as your QB to avoid these errors.

Step-by-step solutions to fix the QuickBooks desktop won’t open error

Here are some solutions you can use to eliminate the ‘QuickBooks desktop won’t open’ error from your desktop.

Solution 1: Operate the tool hub and launch the Quick Fix My Program

  • Open the tool hub on your desktop. If you do not have it, consider downloading it. Access the section program problems in the tool hub.
  • Then tap on Quick Fix My Program and launch your QB desktop again.

Solution 2: Consider suppressing QB desktop

  • Keep tapping the ctrl key and tap twice on the QB desktop icon. You should not let go of the ctrl key until you see the no company open window appears.
  • Pick a company data file now and then tap on the open option at last.


Now that you are familiar with the ‘QuickBooks Won’t Open’ error and its details. It should be easier for you to eliminate the error. Reach out to our experts by calling them on +1-855-738-2784 now for any support or guidance.

This Blog Is Posted On:- Addandgrowglobal.com

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