Possums are one of the few larger nuisance species that can harm Australian households, and are capable of causing a great deal of damage. Whether they have made it into the attic or the basement, the type of damage will vary, and since they are such adept climbers, either of these scenarios is feasible. Possum damage can occur very quickly, therefore it’s imperative to deal with an infestation as soon as possible.

Whether possums are harmful or good for the house is always a question. However, they are quite helpful critters that consume insects and clean up trash. But you might be wondering why they should be evacuated from the house. These rodent-like creatures are frequently a pain, especially when they eat or step on plants. Possums are also capable of rifling through trash bins and stealing pet food.

Keep reading to find out how to get rid of both live and dead possums because it can be difficult to shoo them away in order to safeguard pets and plants. Pest Control Geelong

The first step is accurate identification before you try to capture or remove a bothersome possum from your yard. Many grey possums are mistaken for cats quite frequently. The majority of mature possums are between 24 and 40 inches long with a 10- to 12-inch tail and weigh between 4 and 12 pounds, which should help you identify the correct species. Possums can also be recognised by their faeces. How does possum poop appear? It measures between one and two inches in length, is brown in colour, smooth on the sides, and covered in white or yellowish mould growth.

Once you are sure you are dealing with a possum, there are several ways to get it to come out, such as setting a trap or contacting a pest control specialist. Since possum removal can be challenging, the best way to control the population is to practice prevention.

Here are four effective methods that you can use to get them out of your house:

These animals can be kept away by eliminating or closing food supplies, water sources, and prospective possum dwellings. If pet food or trash is left outside overnight, a feast is in order. Make sure no crops are left on the ground if fruit-bearing plants are present on your land. To prevent possums from rummaging through the garbage can, remove these items in sealable trash bags.

  • Protect your home’s exterior entry points; close off chimneys, vents, and any other gaps or openings.

Easy access is provided by open holes. The majority of damage is done after possums are inside houses, barns, or chicken coops. Trim branches, barricade doors, and repair damaged vents or foundation gaps to restrict access. Pet doors should also be sealed because possums occasionally use them to enter homes. Possums are skilled climbers and may easily ascend a tree to a high branch before jumping to land on a roof close to a chimney. Tree branches are more difficult to climb after being pruned. Contact us if you are looking for ‘possum removal near me ‘in Adelaide.

  • Apply a chemical repellent to your garden.

Apply chemical repellents from your neighbourhood hardware or home departmental store to the bases of buildings, flowerbeds, and gardens to deter possums. While brands and types of repellents differ, the majority repellents are powders and contain predator urine. They cost a fair amount to buy and have a potent odour. They work well in conjunction with other techniques because they often don’t provide much relief unless applied repeatedly and in large quantities. Although it needs to be sprayed periodically, chilli powder can also be utilised in an emergency.

  • Use electronic repellents to scare possums.

Possums can be startled and scared away by electronic repellents like sprinklers with motion detectors. These repellents are more reliable and environmentally friendly. They can be applied to trees, lawns, barns, entryways, pools, barns, compost bins, and other exterior structures. Wind chimes and lawn lights can also contribute to the unfriendliness of a backyard.

The above methods are time and tested and will help you to get rid of possums as soon as possible. However, if you are unable to get control over them, get in touch with a possum removal Adelaide company.

Positive Pest Control Adelaide is an established pest control company that has the best possum catchers in Adelaide. We also specialize in dead possum removal services and offer them at affordable rates. Feel free to call us and enquire about our possum removal and dead possum removal Adelaide services. Our team will help you right away.

By AndrewR

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